zondag 27 februari 2011

Since a week now I'm home with the flu. My head aches and all my muscles are hurting. What irritates me most off all is that I just can not concentrate. For a few minutes I can scrap on my computer and then I just have to do something else. I read my book for lets say 5 minutes and out of the blue I can not focus anymore.

You might think that with so many people in the house all the things I normally do around here will be easily devided. WRONG!  Every time something has to be done I had to ask. Like walking the dog, buying the stuff for dinner and offcourse the first days preparing the dinner. It's a shame.
But I slept a lot and I'm feeling a little better now.

Just before I got ill I promised the people of the equestrian class I teach, I would make a card for one of the lady's of the class who's also ill, she has Pfeiffer's disease. Since I had/have trouble concentrating (boy, this little writing is also a giant effort!) the card turned out to be cute but simple. Hope she likes it.
I made it with the lovely kit "Breath of Magic"from StarLight Designs

And the teen-twins of my girl friend (whom I know for almost all my life) were having their birthday and like all teens their wishes are big. Then money is the best thing to please them though it's not so nice to give.
So I thought let's make this a little more like a real gift.
I took 2 rolls of tissuepaper and made them into 2 little giftbags.

Also quite simple but much nicer than some money in an envelope!
Happy birthday Denise and Edwin!
I hope next time I feel a little bit better. Maybe then I'll show you another little scrapbook I'm making.

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